terms of reference
The Old School Hall is a charity [number: 291927] with a registration date of the 28th March 1985. The OSH serves the communities of Barney, Fulmodeston and Croxton. Some of the information outlined in this document has been taken from the Trustees ‘Conveyance’ signed on the above date.
The Committee is responsible in managing and running of Old School Hall for the benefit of the local community to provide a social
hub and venue for a wide range of social events, meeting place for various local groups, venue for hire and a polling station for local and national elections.
The Committee shall ensure that all buildings of the charity should be kept in good repair and sufficiently insured against all insurable risks including fire, theft and public liability.
The Committee shall ensure that all of the mandatory conditions, conditions consistent with the Operating Schedule of the Licensing
Act 2003 (Premises Licence) are adhered to.
The Committee shall ensure that the annual return to The Charity Commission is completed and returned within the required deadline.
All of the above is to provide assurance to the Trustees of the charity that all legislation, rules and good conduct is being carried out.
Membership of the Committee is formed as follows:
Appointed Officers:
- Charity Trustees
- Chairman
- Vice Chair
- Treasurer
- Bookings Secretary
- Minutes Secretary
Representatives of regular community organisations/groups are invited to attend OSH meetings.
There needs to be a quorum of six people for a meeting to take place as well as the Chair and/or Vice Chair being present.